Big Smiles and Big Fun: Aaliyah and Rebecca’s Story

Big Smiles and Big Fun: Aaliyah and Rebecca’s Story

Nearly a year into their match, Aaliyah couldn’t contain her enthusiasm for her Big Sister, Rebecca. With a big smile, she declared, “She’s the BEST BIG EVER.” Rebecca’s feelings mirrored Aaliyah’s. “I am so happy to have been...
BBBSSEM Works with Local Schools! Meet Big Zoe and Little Nora

BBBSSEM Works with Local Schools! Meet Big Zoe and Little Nora

With our school-based mentoring program, there is a focus on topics like Get To Know You, Friendship/Peer Pressure, Goals, Social Media Etiquette, Stress Management & Anger & Coping and Career Pathways with some additional free time for matches to get to know...
Tibbs and Amarion

Tibbs and Amarion

Tibbs and Amarion were matched in 2022. Tibbs was in her final year at Eastern Michigan University, where she was studying Aviation Business Management and participating in Army ROTC. Amarion was starting 2nd grade and playing in a junior football league.  Tibbs says,...
Gerod and Kayden

Gerod and Kayden

Big and Ambassador Board member Gerod has been matched with his Little Kayden for over 2 years. They were matched in the summer of 2021 when COVID was still causing shutdowns and issues. Despite this Gerod and Kayden found ways to get together in-person and make a...