Christaria & Zakiya

Christaria & Zakiya

Matched in September 2022, Christaria and Zakiya quickly bonded over their shared sense of humor. This pair LOVES attending BBBS-sponsored events, like making birdhouses, the annual picnic, and Zombie Zap; nature walks, go-karting, and going to the movies. Zakiya...
Mariana and Kristin

Mariana and Kristin

Mariana and Kristin have been matched for five years with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeast Michigan, and their relationship has flourished thanks to open communication and willingness from everyone involved. Kristin is an amazing Big, and Lucia, Mariana’s mother,...
Demeshia and Amy

Demeshia and Amy

They love spending time together going to Red Robin, their favorite restaurant, going on special outings to Greenfield Village, and taking their annual trip to Toledo to see the Mudhens play. Amy and Demeshia also love to take advantage of the many fun events...
Dereon & Kyle

Dereon & Kyle

They also have a secret handshake they do every time they see each other and quickly bonded over a shared love of Pokemon, with Kyle bringing in some of his old Pokemon’s for his Little, much to Dereon’s delight. This pair is so happily matched that Dereon is often...