Grace & Laurel

May 2023

Meet our May match of the Month, Grace and Laurel! These two were first paired together in the Fall of 2020 and have spent the last two and a half years together exploring the area by trying new restaurants and coffee shops. ​

​Other favorite shared activities include going swimming and checking out all of the local museums. They did also experience some scheduling challenges early on in their match but were able to work through them and settle on a routine that works well for them both. This dedication to each other, communicating, and problem solving is just one of the many reasons why they are our May Match of the Month!


Laurel ignites Grace’s potential by always listening to her opinions and being open to learning more about Grace’s interests, as well as openly sharing her own. One of Grace’s passions is music and singing and Laurel has loved getting to see that part of Grace’s life.She has even worked out a deal with Grace where they listen to Laurel’s music on the way to their activities and then switch to Grace’s music on the way back. Grace says that this has been such a fun way for her to not only get to know Laurel, but also expand and broaden her own musical taste, igniting her interest in artists, styles, and genres she may never have been introduced to otherwise.


The best Bigs empower their Littles to grow as humans, and by encouraging Grace to explore and learn more about the area she lives in, different foods, and new styles of music, Laurel is empowering Grace to find her own voice and path in life. Grace stated that Laurel is an amazing mentor and friend and that having another reliable adult in her life who is always there for her when she needs them has helped her feel more safe and comfortable both in her daily life now and in the possibilities of her own future. Thank you, Laurel, for giving Grace this safe space to grow in! We appreciate you!


One of the ways Laurel defends Grace’s potential is by always being there to openly discuss whatever happens to be on Grace’s mind. Frequently, what’s on her mind is college, and because she remembers how overwhelming and stressful that time of life can be, Laurel has been happy to guide Grace on this subject. “I have really enjoyed our talks about college and the future. I remember it being such an overwhelming time when I went through it, and I love getting to try to encourage her in any way possible”, Laurel stated, and her encouragement has definitely made a huge difference on how Grace feels about her future. Congratulations again to you both!

Celebrating our Matches—the inspiring Bigs and Littles of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeast Michigan.

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