In the fight for justice, creation of equity, understanding of diversity, & commitment to inclusion.
“Together we affirm that every person has the opportunity to reach their full potential. We are committed to creating and cultivating a safe environment where all individuals feel respected and valued equally. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory and anti-racist approach and are committed to dismantling any inequities within our policies, systems, programs, and services. ”

Resources for Everyone
- Anti-Racism Resources
- “Systemic Racism Explained”: Here’s a closer look at what systemic racism is
- Social Inequalities Explained in a $100 Race
- The New Jim Crow – Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness by Michelle Alexander. This book explains we have not ended the racial caste in America, we have only redesigned it. This book goes into detail what current systems are in place to ensure Black people are at the bottom of the caste, now and continuing.
- The 13th (documentary on Netflix) – by Ava DuVernay: How racism and slavery has transformed to our present day.
- Managing your distress in the aftermath of racial trauma and stress
Resources for Parents
- Racism and Violence: How to Help Kids Handle the News
- Healing Gestures – as a support for those affected by trauma
- Race Talk: Engaging Young People in Conversations about Race and Racism
Resources for the LGBTQ+ Community
- TRANSGENDER MICHIGAN Crisis support, advocacy, education services, and outreach for transgender and gender non-conforming communities.
Helpline: 855-345-8464 | Email: info@transgendermichigan.org - OZONE HOUSE (Youth 13-20, www.ozonehouse.org) Provides drop in services, runaway services, emergency shelter, crisis lines, counseling, job training as well as support for homeless, runaway and at-risk youth, as well as LGBTQ youth. Drop-In Center is appointment only. Some services may be on hold or limited to comply with COVID safety protocol, contact for more information. Food and personal hygiene items are available on the front porch at 102 N. Hamilton in downtown Ypsilanti. Drop-in Center: 102 N. Hamilton, Ypsilanti, MI 48197; Youth Shelter: 1600 N. Huron River Dr., Ypsilanti, MI 48197; Crisis Line: 734-662-2222; Mainline: 734-662-2265
- RUTH ELLIS (www.ruthelliscenter.org/) Services include residential beds, drop-in center, health and wellness center, case management, and educational/job services for homeless and at-risk LGBTQ+ youth. Volunteer projects, and in-person meetings are canceled until further notice. Located at 77 Victor St., Highland Park, MI 48203; Drop-In Center: 313-867-6936; Residential Facility: 313-252-1950; Health and Wellness Center: 313- 365-332
- JIM TOY COMMUNITY CENTER (www.jimtoycenter.org) Exists to provide information, education, social events, and advocacy by and for the Queer and Ally community in the Washtenaw County area. JTCC welcomes all who support its mission to participate in its activities. Main Line: 734-274-9551
- LGBT DETROIT (www.lgbtdetroit.org) LGBT Detroit is a Detroit-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase awareness of and support for Detroit’s dynamic LGBT culture through education and advocacy with integrity and pride. Located at 20025 Greenfield Rd., Detroit, MI 48235; Main Line: 313-397-2127
- THE NEUTRAL ZONE (www.neutral-zone.org/) The Riot Youth program meets Fridays, and offers LGBTQIA youth an opportunity to discuss, organize, and create with each other. Located at 310 E. Washington St., Ann Arbor, MI, 48104. Contact info: info@neutral-zone.org, (734) 214-9995
- THE TREVOR PROJECT – Call (866) 488-7386, Text 678-678 Support line for LGBTQ youth and young adults experiencing hardship, or those who need to speak to a professional help-line operator about their experience navigating identity.
- THE TRANS LIFELINE – Call (877) 565-8860 Support line for trans youth and young adults experiencing hardship, or those who need to speak to a peer about their experiences.
- NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE – (800) 273-8255 If you’re contemplating suicide, please call this number to speak to someone about your situation, your options, and how you can get help. If you’re experiencing an active crisis, please call 911 immediately.
- THE GLBT NATIONAL YOUTH TALK LINE: (800) 246-7743. Support line for LGBTQ youth and young adults experiencing hardship, or those who need to speak to a peer about their experiences. Youth serving youth, ages 13-25.
Resources for Youth
- Common Reads “Let’s Talk About Race”-Common reads the story “Let’s Talk About Race” by Julius Lester. This book explores the concept of racism and how people view and treat each other.
- Coming Together: Standing up to Racism Town Hall part 1-This video talks about how to combat racism and shares a message with kids about how they can help make a change.
- Coming Together: Standing up to Racism Town Hall part 2– Abby Cadabby shares a story about the time Big Bird was a victim of prejudice, and a college professor defines white privilege.
- Coming Together: Standing up to Racism Town Hall part 3-Two children from a viral video are reunited, and a former police chief shares a message to children of color.
- Jotham White “Student Six”-Jotham White discussing how he worked with his educators on racism and how he helped create a safe learning environment for himself and other students.
- Systemic Racism Explained-Systemic racism affects every area of life in the US. From incarceration rates to predatory loans, and trying to solve these problems requires changes in major parts of our system. Here’s a closer look at what systemic racism is, and how we can solve it.
- Explaining What is Race #Coming Together-Wes and his dad, Elijah, explain to Elmo about what causes the differences in our skin color and how it’s an important part of who we are.
- PBS Kids Talk About Race & Racism-Hosted by inaugural National Youth Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman, this half-hour program features authentic conversations between real children and their parents.
Resources for Bigs
- Racism and Violence: How to Help Kids Handle the News
- Healing Gestures – as a support for those affected by trauma
- Big Success – Race and Racism
- Big Success – Navigating Conversations about Unconscious Bias
- Race Talk: Engaging Young People in Conversations about Race and Racism
- Resources for Mentors around Race, Inclusion, and cultural Respect: Mentors may feel ill-equipped to engage in affirming and supportive relationships with youth, especially as they reflect on the ways in which their own privileges and experiences help or hinder their mentoring relationships with youth of color, and Black youth in particular. MENTOR has compiled our key resources that seek to help mentoring programs and mentors better show up for and with young people.
- Rutgers’ Inclusive Mentoring
- Culturally Responsive Mentoring for Youth of Color
Resources for the Black Community
- BEAM – Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective
- How black Americans can practice self-care during these trying times. And how everyone else can help.