Alumni BBBSSM Mentor Marcus recounts his journey with mentorship with his former Little Justin. Read on to explore his journey.

From the moment Justin was born, I knew he would always have a special place in my life. I was there the day he was born, holding him as a newborn, and just three months later, I was elated to be named his godfather at his christening—nearly 17 years ago. Our families grew up together in the same church, and since then, Justin has been a constant part of my life.

At the time, I wasn’t yet a father myself, so becoming Justin’s godfather was my first experience with “parenthood.” Over the years, I’ve included him in so many of my family activities—from trips to Cedar Point to birthday parties and family gatherings. When my daughter was born 10 years ago, I found myself drawing on my experiences with Justin to help guide me as a father. He was my first taste of mentorship and nurturing, and I’m grateful for the role he played in shaping me.

Mentorship is so crucial, especially for young men of color. Back when I was a member of 100 Black Men, we had a motto: “What they see is what they’ll be.” I believe that wholeheartedly. It’s important for young men like Justin to see everyday men who look like them—doctors, lawyers, professors, skilled tradesmen—because it expands their view of what they can become. I’m proud to have played a part in Justin’s development and to have mentored other Littles before him. It’s an honor to be that guiding force, helping them see possibilities beyond athletes and entertainers.

I’ve had the joy of celebrating every one of Justin’s birthdays—16 of them so far—and I’m already looking forward to number 17 next month! Each milestone feels like a reminder of the bond we’ve built, and it fills me with pride to have been part of his journey from day one.

As Justin approaches adulthood, my hope is to continue being a resource for him, whatever path he chooses. Whether it’s college, a career, or something else, I want him to know that I’ll always be there to support him, just as I have for the past 17 years. Our relationship, rooted in mentorship and family, is something I’ll cherish for life.

Want to create a similar connection? Become a Big and make a lasting difference in a young person’s life.